Human Design

The Human Design system is the Science of Differentiation. It is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science, a coming together of Astrology, the Chinese I-Ching, The Hindu-Brahmin Chakras and The Tree of Life from the Kabbalist tradition on one side and the contemporary sciences of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Bio-Chemistry. Synthesizing ancient and modern science, Human Design provides a very practical system of self-knowledge. It offers a road map, the Human Design bodygraph, to explore and find out what works for you, and ultimately how you can be your True Self.

Human Design is here to strip away the generalizations that torture us, that somehow we have to be exactly the way Hollywood does. The moment that you are living out your true nature, you get to experience the capacity for love. That’s something very special.’ Ra Uru Hu – founder of the Human Design System

Human Design differentiates between four Types and each Type represents the basis of very powerful and transformative information. Each Type has a different Aura and a specific Strategy and Inner Authority, which gives you the practical tool to align yourself with your true nature and operate most efficiently.

I am sure we all struggle sometimes when we have to make a decision, changing ‘our mind’ and often regretting this change later. The Human Design bodygraph, shows us what energies we carry individually, how we are designed and what we can rely on. It shows us through the Openness where we are influenced most by the other and where we learn most from the other.  Knowing what our Strategy and Inner Authority is, helps us to make decisions which are correct for us personally.

Waking up to your Design is simply to accelerate your consciousness, to catch up to the aura and it’s activity. How you do that is to follow your Strategy to your Authority, and wake up in your process as an individual.‘ Genoa Bliven

Of course we do all know from our life experience, that homogenization is all around us and holds us back from discovering who we are designed to be. Have you ever wondered who you really are? Why certain situations in your life feel just right and others not? Why you get so frustrated or bitter or angry or disappointed? It is a journey of experimentation, of exploring and finding new ways of being with yourself and each other. Being in your experiment means being in the inquiry – watching yourself, learning to understand your design, who you are and how to make decisions that are correct for you.

My background is in teaching, adult education, group facilitation and coaching. My experience of living in an intentional community means communication and cooperation are top priorities. Of course challenges in human interaction abound everywhere.

My journey since discovering Human Design has taught me to listen to my Inner Authority, which is a truly liberating experience. At the same time Human Design has deepened my understanding and appreciation of the diversity of humanity, we are all different, we are all unique.

I am a Human Design Analyst certified by the International School of Human Design since July 2021.

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I love to share and support the growth potential that is in all of us. The practical tools the Human Design system offers allows us to experiment, to start the journey of your self discovery.

The Human Design Foundation Reading provides you with a map of your Design, what your Type is, your Inner Authority and your Strategy. These essential basics set you on the path of your very personal experiment.

As your journey continues you may want to deepen the understanding of your Design, I am available to coach you further. Return Chart Readings are there to make you aware of the learnings and challenges available to you for certain parts of your life. These readings address the critical times in your life. Saturn Return Reading is relevant around the age of 28-30. A Uranus Opposition Reading is relevant for the time of mid-life, where many people experience a kind of a crisis (the so called ‘mid-life crisis’). The Kiron Return Reading becomes relevant from around the age of 48-50. This is a time by which you have gained some wisdom in your life, and now you are entering a different stage again.

An Incarnation Cross Reading gives you deeper insights into your purpose for this life time, what you are here for, what is your role to play, what you are here for to achieve.

A Life Path Reading can be an excellent tool to process where in your life you are and what specific learnings are there for you. This Life Path Reading becomes particularly relevant after the age of 50.

I further offer Partnership Readings, which can be extremely beneficial to explore the mechanics at work in your primary relationships. It does reveal how the mechanics of two people show themselves, which aspects bring companionship and generate attraction to each other. And which aspects can create a rub, or an experience of dominance. This form of partnership coaching is based on each person being who they are and then together finding the way to improve their interaction and mutual understanding of the other.

I am also qualified to offer Childhood Development Analysis Readings to parents, who want to positively support the development of their children towards their nature.

Your investment for a Human Design Foundation Reading is NZ$225. If you continue the journey of deepening the understanding of your design with me, the same cost applies for the other readings I am offering. Student discounts apply.

If you want to get a taste of what your Human Design holds, please send me your: Name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth. We can then arrange to meet online for a brief introduction free of charge.

Sabine’s Bodygraph:

I am a 1/3 emotional Generator. If you feel I might be the right person to work with you, please do get in touch. I work face-to-face and also virtually online, so New Zealand is never too far away from anywhere on the planet.

My ongoing love and gratitude goes to Wolfgang who continues to support and challenge me – together we grow.

Find out more about Human Design on these websites:

Human Design New Zealand

International School of Human design

Human Design America


Sabine helped me tap into my inner knowing and power with her human design practice, which taught me where my energy flows and how to harness it for success and happiness. This has been pivotal in my growth as a young woman and would recommend Sabines teachings to anyone with the yearn to learn. She supported me through turbulent times with her valuable insights to life, our occasional morning coffees and nourishing dinners were a highlight of my time spent at Pukahu. – Brooke Hanley, New Zealand

Knowing that everything we do is like an innate function, it (Human Design) has helped me a lot to accept myself.
Knowing the human design of my family members has also helped me to understand their behaviors, which were previously difficult to understand. It was especially nice to learn about the human design of my newborn son. I am sure it will give me hints to help him grow.
We only understand easy English, but Sabine has done a great job of explaining things clearly. I am grateful to her.Maiko and Shinnosuke Ohba, Japan

The Human Design readings that Sabine conducted for us and our two children were given with incredible fluency and insight. She was able to connect the dots between the traits we show to the world, the tendencies and thought patterns we see in ourselves, and the way we interact with others. Sabine’s reading gave us the confirmation to act in collaboration with our design and to view ourselves, our partners, and children as unique people with their own designs – and has given us insights into how to better nurture our children’s natural tendencies and support them. We can not recommend a reading with Sabine highly enough! – Sean and Louisa O’Meara, Arizona